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At PDXNet2Camp, you can expect a mixed-format event with the first half of the day featuring scheduled talks and facilitated conversations and the second half of the day featuring a participant-driven unconference format with multiple, smaller breakout groups.
Schedule for Friday, June 25th
Regular Registration
9:00am - 9:30am
Check-In & Networking
9:30am - 9:45am
Welcome & Orientation
9:45am - 10:45am
Keynote -- Marshall Kirkpatrick, "What the real time web and collaboration means to nonprofits
Mid-Morning Registration
(for WaitList Ticket holders)
10:45am - 11:00am
Break & Check-In for Mid-Morning Registration
11:00am - 11:45pm
Facilitated Conversations (co-occurring topics w/ preselected facilitators)
11:45am - 12:00pm
Report Outs and Discussion of Afternoon Plans
12:00pm - 1:00pm
Lunch (birds of a feather / on our own)
1:00pm - 1:30pm |
Topic Building and Breakout Plan |
1:30pm - 2:30pm |
Open Session. Breakout into smaller groups.
2:30 - 2:45pm |
Reconvene. Insights & sharing. |
2:45 - 3:00pm |
Closing Comments/Feedback & Wrap up |
3:00pm+ |
Mingling & Networking: Happy Hour @ the Dug Fir |
Lunch will be on our own for PDXNet2Camp -- please feel free to brown bag it or check out some of the nearby restaurants.
Birds of a Feather Lunch
Lunch may be "on our own", but nobody's going to be left behind during Camp! We want to help keep the momentum and great ideas spinning through the lunch break. To facilitate ongoing networking and conversation, we'll be organizing "Birds of a Feather" lunch -- where smaller groups can nosh and continue talking about a Camp topic over the noon hour.
PDXNet2Camp - Nearby Restaurants
Here's a working list of restaurants near the Jupiter Hotel. If you know of a nearby restaurant -- that's open during the noon hour -- please help build our list. You can add to the restaurant list by...
- Sending me an email with restaurant details - donna.arriaga[at]gmail.com
- Joining this wiki and add restaraunt info below
- Logging into your Google account and edit this map
View PDXNet2Camp - nearby restaurants in a larger map
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